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February 10, 1800

My dearest gentlemen: The King having condescended to appoint me as the Civil and Military Governor of this province of Louisiana and this City, I can do no less than notify you of this benevolence so pleasing to me due to many reasons, in order that, flattering myself as a member of such a respectable body, you may call upon me, from now on, as soon as you may see it useful, for general or particular matters, for you shall find me ready to serve you.

I am not delaying, only waiting for the ship to transport me to Havana, where I must go to give the corresponding testimony in the hands of our Captain General, and having received his orders, instructions and other things which he may have that are necessary, return to board for that destination [New Orleans] where I vehemently wish to arrive with health as soon as possible.

I am annoyed that some time will elapse, against my wishes, before the departure with my family is verified; since the rnailboats that pass are filled with people, and since T do not anticipate a cargo expedition for that destination; these are delays which annoy me with no less arbitrariness than my patience.

May Our Lord grant. Your Lordships long life.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Your staunch and courteous servant who kisses the hands of Your Lordships.
(Rubric) Manuel de Salcedo