Crescent City Memory--Part Eight

This picture postcard from the early part of this century shows the mansions of Storyville madames side-by-side with some of the remaining structures from the city's Creole past. None of the physical presence of Storyville remains today--only the memories. [Louisiana Postcard Collection: New Orleans Streets] The Columbia Brewing Company at Elysian Fields and Chartres was one of seven breweries operating in the Crescent City at the turn of the century. One by one they all closed with the exception of a relative newcomer on Tulane Avenue--the Dixie Brewing Company. Only in recent years has beer-making enjoyed a renaissance locally with the appearance of the Acadian microbrewery on North Carrollton Avenue and the Crescent City Brewhouse in the Vieux Carre. [Rare Vertical File: Letterheads--Twentieth Century Business Firms]


Clean Comfortable Beds, 10 cents
Including Hot and Cold Water Baths, Stationery
Literature (Leading Magazines and Newspapers)


November 1st. 1911

Report of work of St. Vincent's Hotel and Free Labor Bureau, from
May 15th. to October 15th. 1911

Beds Furnished to -------------------------- 14079
Free Lodging given to ---------------------- 5257
Meals supplied to --------------------------- 8357
Meals supplied Free to --------------------- 3245
Employment secured for ------------------- 802
Shoes and Clothing supplied, gratis to --- 538
Sent to the Hospital ------------------------ 20
Sent to the Home of the Sisters of the Poor -9
Drugs given Free of Charge to ------------ 16
Doctors services given gratis to ---------- 11

The New Orleans Fire Department's old telegraph alarm system in Gallier Hall, pictured in March of 1956. That same year, a new telephone-based fire alarm system, located in the new City Hall on Perdido Street, replaced this ornate but outmoded setup, which had protected the city from conflagration since 1910. [Municipal Government Collection; NOFD Series] The electric lines that powered buses can also be seen here on Magazine Street in this Utilities Department photo taken in the late 1950s to show off the street lighting improvements made during the administration of Mayor Chep Morrison. The photo also shows one of the H.G. Hill stores (the predecessor of Winn Dixie), and signs along the street advertise familiar products of by-gone years--Jax and Regal beers. [Municipal Government Collection; Department of Utilities Series]

Chickens and Eggs from Kolb's Farm Daily
Located on Gentilly Road, 6 miles from here. VISITORS WELCOME.

K O L B' S


Oyster Cocktail .............. half dozen .30 dozen .50
Oysters fried ................. half dozen .40 dozen .70
Brochette, with Bacon . half dozen .50 dozen .90
Oysters, Panroast .............. .50
Baked a la Rockefeller ..... .50
Baked, Tavern Style ......... .50


Note: First price shown is by the pint, second price is by the quart


Cliquot ..... 15.00 ---
Chas. Heidsieck ..... 12.00 6.50
Sparkling Burgundy, Imported ..... 9.00 5.00
Calif. Burgundy, Sparkling ..... 5.00 2.75
Bollers Dry ..... 6.50 3.50
Great Western ..... 6.50 3.50
Gold Seal Champagne ..... 6.50 3.50


Macon (still) Imported ..... 3.00 1.75
Pomard (still) Imported ..... 4.00 2.25
Chambertin (still) Imp. ..... 6.00 3.25
California Burgundy (still) ..... 1.50 ---


Bordeaux Claret (own bottling) ..... 1.00 .60
Medoc, Imported ..... 1.50 .80
St. Julien, Imported ..... 2.50 1.40
Pontet Canet, Imported ..... 3.50 1.85
Chateau Leeville, Imp. ..... 3.00 ---
Chateau Larose, Imp. ..... 3.50 ---
St. Emilion ..... 2.00 1.00
Imported Chianti ..... --- 1.75
Zinfandel, Calif. ..... 1.25 .65

White Wines

Rhine Wine ..... --- 1.00
Bordeaux White ..... 1.25 .70
Graves Imp. ..... 2.50 1.40
Sauternes, Imp. ..... 3.00 1.60
Haut Sauternes, Imp. ..... 4.00 2.25
California, Riesling ..... 1.50 .80
Orange Wine (non-alcoholic) ..... 1.50 ---
Mosel Bluemchen ..... 4.00 ---


Anheuser Busch Bevo ..... --- .20
Grapico ..... --- .15
Orange Wine ..... 1.50 ---
B. & W. ..... --- .25


Bottle, 1/2 Bottle, Split

White Rock .... .40 .25 .15
Vichy (celestin) ..... .50 .35 .15 (glass)
Ginger Ale, Dom. ..... --- .30 .15 (glass)
Manitou Water ..... --- .30 ---


Eagle Brew, 4 1/2% alc. ..... .30
Budweiser ..... .30

Please Examine Checks before
Paying Waiter and compare with Bill of Fare.

Not responsible for any loss of
Hats, Overcoats, Jewelry, Umbrellas, etc.

You may talk about your cocktails,
Your fish and salads fine;
Your fancy roasts and sweets in host;
Wherever people dine.
But far ahead of all I've said
And better still by far
Is my little cup of Mocha
And a really good cigar.

NOTICE: --Private Stock Whiskey, bottle $3.50


The turning basin of the Old Basin Canal, ca. 1920, at the end of its long life. The Old Basin Canal, originally the Carondelet Canal, was built in the late 18th century by Governor Carondelet to link the city to the Lake. The turning basin was at Rampart Street near the present site of the Municipal Auditorium. The old canal, replaced by the New Basin Canal and often unnavigable, long outlived its usefulness but wasn't filled in until the 1920s. [General Interest Collection] New Orleans owes much of its present economic health to a thriving convention business. National organizations have been choosing the Crescent City to host their annual meetings for many years. Indeed, we've had a convention and visitors bureau for at least the last eighty-four years. This program recalls the 1921 convention of PORTIA, a black railroad workers' union that held its sessions in the auditorium of Union Bethel A. M. E. Church at the corner of South Liberty and Thalia Streets. [Rare Vertical File: Programs--Conventions]


New Orleans, May 1, 1862.

The City of New Orleans and its environs, with all its interior and exterior defenses, having been surrendered to the combined naval and land forces of the United States, and having been evacuated by the rebel forces in whose possession they lately were, and being now in occupation of the forces of the United States, who have come to restore order, maintain public tranquility, enforce peace and quiet under the Laws and Constitution of the United States, the Major-General commanding the forces of the United States in the Department of the Gulf, hereby makes known and proclaims the object and purposes of the Government of the United States in thus taking possession of the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana, and the rules and regulations by which the laws of the United States will be for the present and during a state of war enforced and maintained, for the plain guidance of all good citizens of the United States, as well as others who may heretofore have been in rebellion against their authority.

Thrice before has the City New Orleans been rescued from the hand of a foreign government, and still more calamitous domestic insurrection, by the money and arms of the United States. It has of late been under the military control of the rebel forces, claiming to be the peculiar friends of its citizens, and at each time, in the judgment of the commander of the military forces holding it, it has been found necessary to preserve order and maintain quiet by the administration of Law Martial. Even during the interim from its evacuation by the rebel soldiers and its actual possession by the soldiers of the United States, the civil authorities of the city have found it necessary to call for the intervention of an armed body known as the "European Legion," to preserve public tranquility. The Commanding General, therefore, will cause the City to be governed until the restoration of Municipal Authority, and his further orders, by the Law Martial, a measure for which it would seem the previous recital furnishes sufficient precedents.

All persons in arms against the United States are required to surrender themselves, with their arms, equipments and munitions of war. The body known as the "European Legion," not being understood to be in arms against the United States, but organized to protect the lives and property of the citizens, are invited still to co-operate with the forces of the United States to that end, and so acting, will not be included in the terms of this order, but will report to these Headquarters.

All flags, ensigns and devices, tending to uphold any authority whatever, save the flag of the United States and the flags of foreign Consulates, must not be exhibited, but suppressed. The American Ensign, the emblem of the United States, must be treated with the utmost deference and respect by all persons, under pain of severe punishment.

All persons well disposed towards the Government of the United States, who shall renew their oath or allegiance, will receive the safeguard and protection, in their persons and property, of the armies of the United States, the violation of which, by any person, is punishable with death.

All persons still holding allegiance to the Confederate States will be deemed rebels against the Government of the United States, and regarded and treated as enemies thereof.

All foreigners not naturalized and claiming allegiance to their respective Governments, and not having made oath of allegiance to the supposed Government of the Confederate States, will be protected in their persons and property as heretofore under the laws of the United States.

All persons who may heretofore have given their adherence to the supposed Government of the Confederate States, or have been in their service, who shall lay down and deliver up their arms and return to peaceful occupations and preserve quiet and order, holding no further corespondence [sic] nor giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States will not be disturbed either in person or property, except so far under the orders of the Commanding General as the exigencies of the public service may render necessary.

The keepers of all public property, whether State, National or Confederate, such as collections of art, libraries, museums, as well as all public buildings, all munitions of war, and armed vessels, will at once make full returns thereof to these Headquarters; all manufacturers of arms and munitions of war will report to these Headquarters their kind and place of business.

All rights of property, of whatever kind, will be held inviolate, subject only to the laws of the United States.

All inhabitants are enjoined to pursue their usual avocations; all shops and places of business are to be kept open in the accustomed manner, and services to be had in the churches and religious houses as in times of profound peace.

Keepers of all public houses, coffee houses and drinking saloons, are to report their names and numbers to the office of the Provost Marshal; will there receive license, and be held responsible for all disorders and disturbance of the peace arising in their respective places.

A sufficient force will be kept in the city to preserve order and maintain the laws.

The killing of an American soldier by any disorderly person or mob, is simply assassination and murder, and not war, and will be so regarded and punished.

The owner of any house or building in or from which such murder shall be committed, will be held responsible therefor [sic], and the house will be liable to be destroyed by the military authority.

All disorders and disturbances of the peace done by combinations and numbers, and crimes of an aggravated nature, interfering with forces or laws of the United States, will be referred to a military court for trial and punishment; other misdemeanors will be subject to the municipal authority, if it chooses to act. Civil causes between party and party will be referred to the ordinary tribunals. The levy and collection of all taxes, save those imposed by the laws of the United States, are suppressed, except those for keeping in repair and lighting the streets, and for sanitary purposes. Those are to be collected in the usual manner.

The circulation of Confederate bonds, evidences of debt, except notes in the similitude of bank notes issued by the Confederate States, or scrip, or any trade in the same, is strictly forbidden. It having been represented to the Commanding General by the city authorities that these Confederate notes, in the form of bank notes, are, in a great measure, the only substitute for money which the people have been allowed to have, and that great distress would ensue among the poorer classes if the circulation of such notes were suppressed, such circulation will be permitted so long as any one may be inconsiderate enough to receive them, till further orders.

No publication, either by newspaper, pamphlet or handbill, giving accounts of the movements of soldiers of the United States within this Department, reflecting in any way upon the United States or its officers, or tending in any way to influence the public mind against the Government of the United States, will be permitted; and all articles of war news, or editorial comments, or correspondence, making comments upon the movements of the armies of the United States, or the rebels, must be submitted to the examination of an officer who will be detailed for that purpose from these Headquarters.

The transmission of all communications by telegraph will be under the charge of an officer from these Headquarters.

The armies of the United States came here not to destroy but to make good, to restore order out of chaos, and the government of laws in place of the passions of men, to this end, therefore, the efforts of all well disposed persons are invited to have every species of disorder quelled, and if any soldier of the United States should so far forget his duty or his flag as to commit any outrage on any person or property the Commanding General requests that his name be instantly reported to the Provost Guard, so that he may be punished and his wrongful act redressed.

The municipal authority so far as the police of the city and crimes are concerned, to the extent before indicated, is hereby suspended.

All assemblages of persons in the streets, either by day or by night, tend to disorder, and are forbidden.

The various companies composing the Fire Department in New Orleans will be permitted to retain their organizations, and are to report to the office of the Provost Marshal so that they may be known and not interfered with in their duties.

And, finally, it may be sufficient to add, without further enumeration, that all the requirements of martial law will be imposed so long as, in the judgment of the United States authorities it may be necessary. And while it is the desire of these authorities to exercise this government mildly and after the usages of the past, it must not be supposed that it will not be vigorously and firmly administered as occasion calls.

By command of
GEO. C. STRONG, A. A. Gen., Chief of Staff.

Major-General Commanding, U. S. A.
Department of the Gulf

A "special" streetcar advertising war bonds, Canal Street, ca. 1944. Signs urging citizens to support the war effort were familiar sights in the city during World War II. Also seen here is a ration book from the same era. [Emile Amardiel Album; Louisiana Division Vertical File]

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